Caroline is a distant aunt living in the US that comes to Europe to collect inheritance after her sister that has died.
Scene opens with Caroline on the phone talking to her husband. She says that she is in Europe. About to meet her niece. Her sister left a lot of money and she does not want to share it with her niece. She tells him that she planned to kill her niece and take all the inheritance. Make it look like a murder.
AltSiren the niece comes in. They start to talk. The niece is unsuspecting and nice. When Caroline finds her moment, she attacks her niece - strangling her from behind. It's a long fight, but Caroline is too strong and eventually the niece breathes her last.
Caroline then undresses her niece, checking out her body a little as she makes it looks like a sex attack.
As she is doing this, the niece's husband comes in quietly and sees what is going on. He takes the stocking and gets behind Caroline, and takes revenge - strangling Caroline. Caroline puts up a fight, but eventually she too is dead, next to her niece.
The man then strips Caroline's body and places it next to the niece - a sexy pose making it look like a double sex crime. He finishes by putting Caroline's panties in her mouth and leaves.
Starring: Caroline Pierce and Altsiren
Keywords: strangling, stripping, crimescene, handling, mature
Run Time: 18:41
820 MB
Clip Duration: 19 minutes |
Format | Size | avi | 820.93 MB |
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